See the Contact page for full details of how to Opt-In and Opt-Out of SMS/Text messaging.
Depending on your location, you will receive an appointment confirmation or an appointment adjustment SMS/TEXT message from just one of our following phone numbers.
(907) 268-2962 Anchorage AK
(786) 648-5336 Miami FL
(407) 743-5253 Orlando FL
(515) 207-6849 De Moines IA
(225) 224-0568 Baton Rouge LA
(734) 492-0951 Ann Arbor MI
(763) 762-3606 St Paul MN
(573) 658-9071 Jefferson MO
(640) 243-0003 Trenton NJ
(518) 414-3965 Albany NY
(505) 303-0531 Santa-Fe NM
(614) 697-3833 Columbus OH
(503) 967-3727 Salem OR
(512) 467-3087 Austin TX
(804) 205-3243 Richmond VA
(608) 318-4793 Sun Prairie WI